Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Implementation of Total Quality Management - Two Key Alternatives Case Study - 2

Essays on The Implementation of Total Quality Management - Two Key Alternatives for Lots of Vital Issues Case Study The paper â€Å"The Implementation of Total Quality Management - Two Key Alternatives for Lots of Vital Issues" is an outstanding example of a case study on management. The ever-increasing international business competitiveness has mandated companies to build up approaches to turn into low-cost producers and to make different their goods and services from their trading rivals. Total Quality Management is one approach that has been praised globally given the impact it had in turning around Japanese Companies into key competitors.Today’s organizations are surrounded by a rising dealing global environment where numerous essentials have developed into a custom that may not have been of distress to organizations in the earlier times. This includes the emergence of computers and telecommunication and information channels such as the internet. For organizations, these are fresh aspects they have to mull over and apply Total Quality Management into.Today, the implementation of Total Quality Management is vital. However, putting Total Quality Management into operation is not easy and poses a key challenge to the present day top management of most organizations. This forms the basis of this research. The research employs a case study approach.The research reveals that top management commitment to Total Quality Management execution is crucial. However, the top management has to deal with deep-rooted issues such as lacking adequate human resources, choosing the best quality method, modeling techniques, and the most fitting technology mix.To deal with some of these issues, the top management must be committed to Total Quality Management implementation. Also, they ought to consider the opinion of several experts in implementing Total Quality Management, be problem-focused and engage all stakeholders.The ever-increasing international business competitiveness has mandated companies to build up approaches to turn into low-cost producers and to make different their goods and services from their trading rivals. These approaches include Total Quality Management, Self-Directed Work Teams, Total Productive Maintenance, Just-in-Time, Business Process Re-engineering, and Manufacturing Resources Planning. However, the leading confrontation of all businesses is finding a holistic management approach that will get better their competitiveness in international trade. Total Quality Management is one approach that has been praised globally given the impact it had in turning around Japanese Companies into key competitors (Yusof Aspinwall, 2000a).Product Quality is a management concept that has its roots in Japan. The concept was founded by Americans working there in the late 1940s and 1950s: They are Feigenbaum, Juran, and Deming. These three Americans set the fundamentals of Total Quality Management. According to Magutu (2010), Total Quality Management progressed from a lot of dissimilar management practices and upgrading processes. Essentially, Total Quality Management evolved through several stages starting with Inspection/Supervision, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance to the present Total Quality Management. Different authors have defined Total Quality Management in several ways. In this paper, Total Quality Management simply entails a management plan that involves each one member of an organization, at all levels, in producing better standards of product or services that they offer in the marketplace. This essentially entails the administration and control of quality all over a whole organization.Different researches and authors have too identified various dimensions of Total Quality Management but the key dimensions take account of top management support, personnel management, employee involvement, customer rapport, supplier rapport, teamwork, product design process, quality assurance as well as process flow management. Total Quality Management generally lays emphasis on customer focus and satisfaction (Dahlgaard et al 1998).

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